Aug 9, 2011

Mod Podge

Ever since I got my calling as Relief Society President in May I haven't had much time to sit down and Blog. I truly miss it. This evening I decided, that's it. I am doing it. So much has happened in such little time, Funerals, Weddings, Planning a wedding, tenants moving out, lots of cleaning and cleaning, Pest abatement ( the worst)! Still going through this, just had a second spray today. I hope this takes care of it. I don't know sometimes whether I'm coming or going. All in all, there have been some great moments that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Dilemma, how much to say in a Blog? In my short time in this calling I have found a great love (never thought I would have) to want to serve the sisters in my ward, grant it, not all at once and not 24 hours a day, but I truly want the best for our sisters. I wish I could wave a magic wand over our ward that everyone would do their Home and Visiting teaching. Not so much for the teaching but the desire to want to check up on their assign families to make sure they are okay and if they had a genuine need. Not to preach to them but to let their families know they are loved and appreciated, a shared message from the First Presidency or General RS Presidency would just be an added bonus. News Flash: And don't fall over when I say this: but I have come to appreciate the Bishop of our ward. I'm sure I don't have a tenth of a tenth of what's on his plate. I think about the state of our country and of the world and wonder all the time, are we and am I prepared? What more can I do as a mother and wife to be prepared? Is my house in order? Are we learning and teaching others to be self-reliant so in a pinch are we able to take care of ourselves? I was speaking to someone the other day and he was telling me about (I'll call him Joe) who lives by himself and this "Joe" was having shoulder surgery. I asked the man if "Joe" needed any help. He said, oh gosh no, Joe is so independent he would rather eat peanut butter sandwiches or soup from a can for a week or two than ask for help, that's how independent he is. I think I said, good for him, we all could use his tenacity. My friends know me and know I am in no way perfect, but I have my moments, like a couple of weeks ago, I was greeted in our foyer from a very dear sister, and just by being in her presence, I want to be better, I want to do better. She has that affect on me. I'm sure you'all know someone like that. I just need to remember that feeling more often. Well I better get back to busy busy, but this has been a great respite, if only for a few minutes. I'll try to come back soon.




  1. So deep Mom, thanks for that. You do have a ton on your plate right now, but you're enduring it well, pulling through, and doing a good job. I think that's why you were picked. Love you. :)
