Jun 16, 2012

Thoughts between my apple bites

I try to get up early and go for a morning walk each morning before everyone wakes up.  There's a wonderful
walking path that goes a long the river that's just a block away from Cheri and Chris's. 
It's so nice to breath the fresh air and say my morning prayers as I walk. 


I took this picture the other morning. These grasses are so beautiful. 
I have so much to be thankful for. Our newest granddaughter  seems to be progressing.
I got to see her again  yesterday just for the second time. I haven't seen her eyes open yet, I'm 
told that she opened her eyes today. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. She is so precious and so sweet. 
I have enjoyed helping take care of her two older sisters, Chloe who's 4 and very independent. She is  so smart and I've never seen such a young child with great fashion sense. When she gets up she always picks her own outfit and something for her hair and dresses before she comes down stairs to present herself. She is beautiful already.  Jenna, who will be 2 next month is the comedian. She seems to want to make everyone smile or laugh, her facial expressions can go from a serious look of surprise for attention, to a face full of smiles, I just love kissing her round cheeks, her eyes even smile. 
Sayings by Jenna: gramma, watch! 
Sorry, Jenna, (when she hurts herself she say's that).
Yes! (not ya or yeah, but yes!)
That's okay
I know this isn't a vacation but I am so thankful that I could be here
with Cheri and Chris and my granddaughters. I love them oh so much! 
I am so thankful for Priesthood blessings and many prayers said and
kind friends that have put their names on the Temple Prayer Rolls.
I told Cheri that their names are in Our Holy Temples from the west coast
of California to the east coast in Washington DC.  
I cherish our wonderful friends and families who are there
giving their love and support. 
I don't know what we would do without them. 

I also want to thank my wonderful husband, David for holding down
the fort back home, I miss him, he knows that, I'm wishing him
a very Happy Father's Day, he win's the Best Father and Husband Award
in my book. XXOO


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