Mar 4, 2013

Super food Kale

So Plans can change lickety split!.
I was set to work in the yard on Saturday, when my
Brother-in-law called and said he was coming over. And he did.
I fixed the guest room, changed the sheets and spruced the room,
towels, etc. Hubby was going to play host.
Since my B-I-L (brother-in-law) knows that our goal
this year is to eat healthier he brought over the newspaper
with some really scrumptious recipes using Kale.
The process is a little time consuming, lots of steps, but I had time. Peeling and dicing up the
butternut squash. What's amazing the squash took only 15 minutes to be fork done at 450 degrees.
This recipe in particular caught my eye because Cece has been asking for Lentils and
this recipe called for it.

You can eat it as a whole meal, I added roasted chicken on the side
just because.
Okay, It didn't photograph well, or maybe it did. But it was really good
So in case you couldn't read the terrible copy of the newspaper,it
calls for Kale, butter nut squash, lentils, carrots, celery, red pepper flakes, onions, garlic
olive oil, salt and pepper. I think that's it. I would add more Kale next time.
A great Vegetarian meal, but you get all the protein you need  in one dish.
I'll add the recipe for better reading later.


1 comment:

  1. We buy a huge bag of kale from Costco and freeze it. It lasts forever. Then we put it in baby food, smoothies, soups, or anything really. It's so healthy!!! :)
