Is it uncomfortable when one shows their vulnerable side? People get uncomfortable because
1. They don't know how to respond.
2. They want that person to always be strong.
3. They don't want to be around a person that they think is weak.
I kinda like it when one shows their vulnerable side, because to me, it shows me that
they are real and relate able in some respects.
Not that you want them to be whiny all the time. It's refreshing
when they don't always have to be so strong and carry a stiff upper lip.
Yes, being strong is noble and all but sometimes it's okay to let
people know you are a real person with tender feelings.
This is just one thought I have had.
Now if you are reading this, my thought is, are you going to read this and step away
with the thought - Wow this girl has issues and roll your eyes and leave in silence? or
will you leave a comment with your ideas and thoughts?
Comments are always welcomed even when I don't agree with them.
I appreciate different opinions.
Another thought I have had lately and more lately than ever is:
Is it me or as women get older they become:
1. Overly sensitive and get offended easily
2. They are NOT afraid to say or speak their mind - when before when they
were younger they would never dream of saying such things out loud or to another
3. They become mean and unkind and sometimes downright rude.
I have noticed from our Religious Leaders that this later part has been a topic of
They have been Asking us to be KIND, gentle and respectful, or
just be more Kind. Why is that? I know why, it's because, I have noticed
that we haven't. Why is it that we, especially women are more inclined to be
intolerant or less patient with each other?
Where are the days of biting ones tongue so as to not say something
that cuts like a knife into one's spirit?
I remember growing up my best friend's mom always saying, "If you can't say
anything nice, then don't say anything at all". And this women
never did say anything unkind to another person, or at least never in my presence.
I'm not here to judge because in no way am I a saint, but...
It makes me genuinely sad when people are unkind.
I just want everyone to get along and be happy.
I want people to be happy for each others accomplishments
and not be petty or jealous.
I wish for people to be compassionate for others when they are down or
in their sorrows.
I wish there to be less cattiness.
If I have lost you in my soap box of words, I am sorry.
I pray that I may show kindness and respect with no
judgement to all.
Someone asked me recently if I would be mad at them them for doing
something wrong? I told them, that I wouldn't be mad, but that I would
be sad. And that's because I want the best for them and for
everyone. I really do.
I make no apologies for having a Pollyanna attitude.
That is me, I can't change that. I don't know how to.
I am fun or funny and I hope that I am friendly.
Yours truly
"aka" georgie
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