Jul 20, 2012

The Hideout part 2#

The weekend is perfect.  It's always good to
take a Mental check once in a while. 
I highly recommend it! 

Our cottage bumped up to a pasture full of dairy cows and they let us know
that they were there in the wee hours of the morning. They were hungry.
The weather was gorgeous!

I loved this old Red Water Tower.
"very picturesque".

On the way down the coast between Pt Reyes and Sausilito
the Fog was rolling in and the temperature dropped down
to 58 degrees, we played "freeze out' and rolled down
all the windows and felt the cold misty air until
we couldn't take it any more and rolled them windows back up.

Our last stop was Sausilito and we both mugged for
the camera. It's July and we're wearing
long sleeves. Loving it!
What I take away from this weekend. Is that there is
never any regrets spending time with your
loved one. I love him more then I did 24 years ago.
Every day he makes me laugh with
some little anecdote. Like calling me
to remind me to take his tennis shoes out of the washer and
put them out side to dry, there's always a joke in there
and giving me a bad time. It's his voice and tone
that makes me get the giggles, and then he tells me
"that's not funny", which cracks me up even more.

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for having your eyes open in all of the pictures ;)
