Oct 13, 2011

Harvest Holla!

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. MMMMMMmmmmmm, I can just smell warm bread baking. Now if we could just get some cool fall days back again!

    Crazy to hear that you had a cat disappear over ten years ago that looked just like our C.P. This would have probably been around 1999? Where did you guys live? He showed up like a stray at my folks' house on Roosevelt Street, at the time he had rotten teeth and gums and that is why the vet told us "this cat has major age." But we never knew how old he was, we just know that now he must be reeeaaallly old! Anyway I would love to see the old pictures if you get a chance, you could email them to me (or just tell me all about Borris) at moonshinejunkyard@gmail.com.
