Oct 19, 2011

Fall Mantel

Remember the frame I was talking about? This is her, mirrored and all.

I think "she" looks great if I do say so myself. Just think, I found her in the back of

a second-hand store collecting dust. Total cost frame, mirror and labor from our

local Glass store, $35.

Here's my Mantel now in honor of Fall.

White pumpkins have been hard to come by due to the shortage back east.

I have found other blogs where some very creative she-ladies are painting their pumpkins

all sorts of colors, like white, blue, copper, even polk-a-dots.

In keeping with my coastal theme I kept my shells and small bits of drift wood

in the scene.

These little albino pumpkins are sooo cute.

Have a great day. I have another DIY project in the works, can't wait to show you.


1 comment:

  1. When I grow up, I would like a house decorated just like yours. Thanks :) The mantel is BEAUTIFUL!!!
