Mar 6, 2012


Today started very early, was awake at 3:26am and couldn't sleep, which was pretty sorry when I needed to wake up at 5am. Finally forced myself to sleep at 4 so I could get at least an hour of sleep. Attended the Temple with my temple buddy at the 7:00 session. When I left home it had been raining, when we got out of the Temple it was a beautiful sunny brisk morning. The rest of my day was planned out in my mind but sometimes it doesn't always go as planned.

I was watching Pioneer Woman on Food network the other day and she made this yummy

Corn Chowder. So That's what I decided to make today. It turned out really good. I had planned on having it for dinner, but my hubby and daughter came in the kitchen and wanted it for lunch. So they did. My next plan was to make some bread and if I had time bake some cookies. I couldn't find my bread recipe so I called my little sister, she's always good for a recipe. She just happened to be making bread as I called her, so she gave me that recipe.

I ground about 14 cups of wheat and followed the directions to the "T", everything was going well. I let the dough rise and it looked like it was going to be some great loaves of bread. But when I finally got them in their pans they didn't seem to rise that much. I thought maybe they will do better when I get them in the oven. But no, they didn't rise as much as they should have. I was so bummed. All that work, the bread according to hubby David, tasted good, it really did, I didn't take a picture of them, cuz they were so sorry looking., maybe I need to alter the temperature or time. I'll have to ask my sister how her's turned out.

On to the next. So when I make my chocolate chip cookies they come out really well, if I do say so myself. So when I made a different recipe, I was pretty confident.

Maybe it's because of the weather, but my batch of cookies didn't come out, the temperature and time was different, maybe my oven was too hot for the time allotted, I don't know but they were too brown but not done inside. Darn!!! I give up. At least my Pioneer Corn Chowder came out. Oh before I forget, I am so fortunate to have these beautiful Pink Camellias grow right outside my dining room. The pale pinks are so gorgeous. I picked these before the rain. They were kind of on their way out, I think I'm going to pick a fresh batch tomorrow.


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