Apr 1, 2011

Pedi - green

A beautiful day, the sun shining, the weather man

said it would be in the 80's and it felt like it. Just last Thursday it was

snowing like no tomorrow and 1 week later T-shirt and flip-flop weather.


But I have to say I love it.

Our neighbor Mr. Jeff was out mowing his beautiful

green lawn, and the air smelt of freshly cut grass.

That only means one thing, SPRING is finally here.

I had a little time to spare and my toe-less shoes

were calling my name, however this winter I had stowed away

my toes and heels and them toes have been neglected.

It was time for the first Pedicure treatment

of the year.

I never noticed, my left foot looks bigger, wider than my left.

Interesting. But I love my pedi.

I think my feet look better with my sandals on.

Have a great weekend everyone and if you have

sun enjoy it even more.

P.S. Happy April Fool's Day! :)


  1. Just one question.....How can your LEFT foot possibly be bigger than your LEFT foot? Do you have 2 left feet? LOL Those are some awfully cute feet!

  2. Crack up silly me! Glad someone is paying attention. lol alot!
