Sep 15, 2009

It's Maurey Tuesday

Am I the only one that likes Liver and Onions? My mom use to make it once a month for us girls, she thought we needed the extra iron if you know what I mean. So because I am mildly anemic, I decided to make some for dinner yesterday. It was actually pretty good, but not good enough to eat for dinner tonight. I did have some for lunch. But I am over it now. Had a nice talk with M today. I am so proud of her she will graduate next April from BYU. I admire her determination and following thru with her schooling, that's an attribute I don't have. She is doing so well and It brings me great joy for all that she is becoming. It won't be long til C graduates from High school. Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday she was just a little pip squeak. Her nose still wrinkles when she laughs, just like when she was a baby. I am feeling so grateful for all my children, I love them so much!! I can't wait til next week when I will get to see all my Utah kids and especially my granddaughter. She is growing up so fast and I want her to know me. I have just a glimpse of what our Heavenly Father feels about us, his children. No success can compensate for failure in the Home. This is so true. I know as mom's we just want our children to be successful in anything they persevere but most of all we want them to be faithful in the gospel. This my eternal prayer and at this time I feel truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I like liver and onions, but only if I make it and only if I add bits of bacon to flavor it.
